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Table 1 An example of the progress of analysis

From: Health professionals’ competencies regarding breastfeeding beyond 12 months: a systematic review


Code group 


Main theme 

24 months of breastfeeding (bf) is considered “long breastfeeding” [30]

Having varying definition of extended bf [30]

Perceptions regarding appropriate bf duration [30,31,32,33,34,35]

Knowledge combined with skills

Defining extended bf as up to 12 months of bf [30]

Negative perceptions increase along with the age of the child [33, 35]

Perceiving bf as less acceptable as the child gets older [33,34,35]

Considering bf as more acceptable if younger toddler [33]

Support for bf decreased after 6 months [34]

Belief that children should be breastfed until over 24 months [30]

Perceiving bf beyond 24 months as desirable; [30, 33]

Belief that it is acceptable for 3–4-year-old child to be breastfed [33]

Encouraging to stop bf a 3- or 4-year-old child [32, 33]

Having varying perceptions about stopping bf [30,31,32,33]

Perceiving bf beyond 12 months to complicate stopping bf [31]

Believing that bf should be stopped before child turns 6 months [30]

Stronger encouragement to stop bf when the child gets older [32]