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Table 2 Theory of planned behavior-based survey questions

From: Improving milk donation behavior through an educational intervention based on the theory of planned behavior: study protocol of a cluster randomized controlled trial


Example of questions


Sociodemographic and perinatal characteristics

Age, education, milk and blood donation history, breastfeeding history, economic status, parity, mode of delivery, the gestational age, sex and age of infant, awareness of HMBs and the source of information of HMBs


Knowledge of DHM and HMBs

“What is a human milk bank?”

“What is the best alternative to mothers’ own milk for feeding premature babies?”

“What effects does pasteurization have on donor milk?”

“In the hospital, which babies receive donor milk?”

“Who is eligible to donate their breast milk?”

“How is donor milk stored in the hospital?”

“How long can donated breast milk be stored in the hospital?”

“What effects has pasteurized donor milk on premature babies?”

“What should mothers do before donating their breast milk?”

“What are the characteristics of informal breast milk sharing in the community?”

Multiple-choice questions

Attitude toward DHM and HMBs

“It is pleasant for me to donate breast milk”

“Feeding premature babies with donor milk is better than formula”

“Donor milk can reduce the stress of mothers who can’t feed their babies with their own breast milk”

“By donating breast milk to a milk bank, I can save a baby’s life”

“Donating breast milk to the milk bank can reduce the incidence of serious gastrointestinal disease in infants”

“Donor milk in milk banks is safe and healthy”

“When I don’t have enough breast milk, it is better to use donor milk instead of formula to feed my baby”

“Donor milk in a milk bank may carry viruses and spread disease”

“Donor milk should be used widely in hospitalized infants who cannot be breastfed, if it is possible”

“Donor milk can treat newborns who weigh less than normal”

“I think mothers should be rewarded for donating their milk”

“After pasteurization, the nutrients in milk are all destroyed, so it is better to feed baby with formula”

5-point Likert (from strongly agree to strongly disagree)

Subjective norms about DHM and HMBs

“My husband’s opinion on donating milk to the milk bank is important to me”

“I will not donate my breast milk to the milk bank if my husband disagrees”

“Opinions of people around me like my mother, family, friends etc. on donating milk are important to me” “I will not donate my milk to the milk bank if people around me (like my mother, family, friends etc.) disagree”

“Milk donation and using donor milk have ethical issues in Islam”

“God considers milk donation as a virtue and admirable action”

“If I want to donate my milk, my family will support me”

5-point Likert (from strongly agree to strongly disagree)

Perceived behavioral control in milk donation

“I feel donating my milk will decrease my milk supply which is needed for my own baby”

“It costs me a lot to donate my milk”

“I can provide equipment for milk donation such as a container for storing milk, breast pump (if needed)”

“I think I can be a milk donor”

“If my husband or family are against donating milk, I can convince them”

“I can express my breast milk correctly”

“I can provide storage conditions for expressed milk”

5-point Likert (from always to never)

Intention to donate milk

“I am going to donate my milk to a milk bank within the next six months”

“I am going to identify the milk banks where I live”

“I am going to contact a milk bank within the next six months”

“I am going to identify the nearest route to the milk bank”

“I am going to undergo a pre-donation blood test”

“I am going to inform other breastfeeding mothers about milk banks”

“I am going to provide equipment for milk donation”

5-point Likert (from always to never)

Breastmilk donation

“I donated my breast milk in the last six months”

“How many times did you donate your milk to the milk bank in the last six months?”

“I will follow hygiene tips if I want to donate my breast milk”

Yes / No


5-point Likert (from always to never)