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Table 1 Modifications made to create the Chinese version of the BMS after cognitive interviews

From: Translation and validation of the Breastfeeding Motivation Scale in China

Original BMS

in English

Chinese version 3 of the BMS

Chinese version 4 of the BMS


It's been said that breastfeeding is good for the baby's immune system



It was difficult for three respondents to understand that this is a self-administered scale. Therefore, it was changed from "据说" to "我听说". "有益于" and "有好处" had the same meaning, but the latter was more preferred and was more consistent with the style of the Chinese scale

It makes me feel special that this role is exclusively mine


母乳喂养让我感到我是不可替代的, 因为只有我能做到。

Three respondents wondered about the word "特别". Analysis of the original item showed that "很特别" meant "不可替代". Therefore, we directly used the hidden meaning

This way I strengthen my psychological and physical attachment to my baby



Four respondents believed that babies were not naturally attached to their mothers strongly. Therefore, "依恋" was replaced by "距离" to avoid subjective opinions on objective situations

It seems natural to me to breastfeed a baby who was nurtured in my body before it was born

对我来说, 母乳喂养一个在我体内孕育出来的孩子是件很自然的事。


Four respondents questioned "自然", especially in the whole item. Therefore, it was replaced by "天经地义" (a Chinese idiom); this expression is more consistent with a traditional Chinese understanding of breastfeeding