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Table 3 Mean differences in maternal cardiovascular risk factors at three years postpartum assessed by linear regression

From: The association of breast feeding for at least six months with hemodynamic and metabolic health of women and their children aged three years: an observational cohort study


Model 1a Adjusted Mean Difference (95% CI)

Model 2b Adjusted Mean Difference (95% CI)


-1.7 (-3.6, 0.14)

-3.3 (-6.4, -0.17)

Waist circumference (cm)

-4.9 (-10.8 to 1)

-7.7 (-16.5, -1.1)

Systolic blood pressure (mmHg)

-5.7 (-9.7, -1.8)

-6.4 (-10.6, -2.1)

Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg)

-4.8 (-7.9, -1.7)

-5.0 (-8.3 to -1.7)

Mean arterial pressure (mmHg)

-4.5 (-8.2, -0.8)

-5.1 (-9.0, -1.1)

Central systolic blood pressure (mmHg)

-4.4 (-8.2, -0.5)

-4.8 (-8.9, -0.7)

Central diastolic blood pressure (mmHg)

-5 (-8.2, -1.8)

-5.3 (-8.6, -1.9)

Insulin (mg/dL)

-1.7 (-4.6, 1.2)

-3.7 (-8.7, 1.3)


-1.4 (-7.7, 4.8)

-0.037 (-0.26, 0.19)

Serum Triglycerides (mmol/L)

-0.6 (-1.0, -0.28)

-0.6 (-0.9, -0.2)

HDL (mmol/L)

0.2 (0.11, 0.4)

0.20 (0.11, 0.4)

  1. aadjusted for BMI at first trimester SEI at first trimester
  2. badjusted for prenatal smoking (first trimester) and age at first trimester