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Table 1 Primary and secondary outcome variables and measurement

From: Effect of antenatal milk expression education on lactation outcomes in birthing people with pre-pregnancy body mass index ≥25: protocol for a randomized, controlled trial




Assessment timing

Primary Outcome Variables

 Breastfeeding exclusivity

Current provision of only participant’s own milk to infant

Survey item adapted from Infant Feeding Practices Survey-II (IFPS-II) [34]

PP wk. 2

 Breastfeeding self-efficacy

Sum scale score on instrument assessing extent of agreement with statements about breastfeeding confidence on Likert scale

Prenatal and Postpartum Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale-SF [32]a (14 items)

Enrollment; PP wk. 2

Secondary Outcome Variables (*indicates an outcome that is also a mediating variable)

 Breastfeeding exclusivity

Estimated proportion of participant’s own milk feeds in: a) past week; and b) since birth (2 weeks pp); proportion of participant’s own milk feeds during birth center admittance; recall of infant age (days/weeks) to first formula use

Survey items adapted from Infant Feeding Practices Survey-II (IFPS-II) [34] and National Immunization Survey (NIS) [35]; electronic health record (EHR)

Birth center admittance; PP wks 2, 6, 12; 6 & 12 mos

 Breastfeeding duration

Current provision and birth center provision of participant’s own milk; recall of infant age when feeds of participant’s own milk ceased

Survey items adapted from NIS; birth center data abstracted from EHR

Birth center admittance; PP wks 2, 6, 12; 6 & 12 mos

 Breastfeeding self-efficacy

Sum scale score on instrument assessing extent of agreement with statements about breastfeeding confidence on Likert scale

Prenatal and Postpartum Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale-SF [32]a (14 items)

Enrollment; PP wks, 6, 12

 *Onset of lactogenesis II

Recall of lactogenesis II in post-birth days with item “When did your milk come in after your baby was born (i.e., when did you notice a big increase in the amount of milk)?” and answer options of “1 day or less,” “2 days,” “3 days,” “4 days,” “more than 4 days,” “my milk never came in,” and “unsure/don’t remember”

Survey item adapted from 2 items validated with infant test-weight data [36]

PP wk. 2

 *Perceived milk supply

Sum subscale score on Likert scale instrument measuring perceived infant satisfaction with breastfeeding/breast milk received; Checklist item in problem list (“not enough milk”) and forced choice item classifying perception of milk supply ("too much," "about the right amount", or "not enough")

PIBSS subscale of H & H Lactation Scale (5 item) [33]; investigator-created items

PP wks 2, 6, 12

 Interim prenatal breastfeeding confidence

Five-point Likert scale assessing agreement with single item, “I am feeling confident and well-prepared to breastfeed after my baby is born.”

Investigator-created item

At conclusion of each prenatal study visit, after intervention delivery

  1. EHR electronic health record, PP postpartum, wk.(s) week(s)
  2. aWording of some items adapted from original instrument to indicate that “breastfeeding” is inclusive of direct chest/breastfeeding as well as pumping/expressing milk; items in scale pertaining to direct breastfeeding excluded for participants who reported they were not engaged in direct breastfeeding