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Table 2 Concerns about the effect of landscape fire events on infant feeding (n = 102)

From: The impact of the 2019/2020 Australian landscape fires on infant feeding and contaminants in breast milk in women with asthma


Number (%)

How would you describe the way in which your infant/toddler was predominantly fed for the duration of the landscape fire period? More than one answer possible, n = 102

 Breast milk

83 (81.4)


13 (12.7)

 Milk (animal sources e.g. cow’s or plant-based e.g. soy)

6 (5.9)

 Solid foods

39 (38.2)

 Other (breast milk and solid, express breast milk (EBM) and donor EBM)

2 (2.0)

Did you have any concerns about the impact of the landscape fire events on the way in which you chose to feed your baby (e.g. breastfeeding, pumping/expressing breast milk, formula / milk or milk alternative, solid foods)? n = 102


2 (2.0)


97 (95.1)


3 (2.9)

Were your decisions around how you fed your infant/toddler (e.g. breast milk, formula, milk or milk alternative, solid foods) influenced at all by the landscape fire? n = 102


4 (3.9)


98 (96.1)