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Table 2 Maternal and pregnancy characteristics of participants and age of infant

From: Breastfeeding practices and associations with pregnancy, maternal and infant characteristics in Australia: a cross-sectional study

Characteristic (N = 536)

n (%) or mean (SD)

Age of woman, Mean (SD)

30.75 (4.97)

 18—25 years

81 (15.1%)

 26—35 years

364 (67.9%)

 36 + years

91 (17%)

Age of infant, Mean (SD)

3.26 (0.18)

 2 months

103 (19.2%)

 3 months

213 (39.7%)

 4 months

199 (37.1%)

 5 months

21 (3.9%)

Woman identifies as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, or both

27 (5.0%)

Marital status

 Never married

43 (8.0%)

 Married or de facto

483 (90.1%)


10 (1.9%)

Highest level of education

 Completed high school or less

122 (22.8%)

 Completed TAFE Certificate or Diploma

176 (32.8%)

 Completed University, CAE, Degree or higher

238 (44.4%)

Index of disadvantage

 Most disadvantaged

288 (53.7%)

 Least disadvantaged

248 (46.3%)

Pre-pregnancy BMI (N = 484)

 Underweight (< 18.5 kg/m2)

14 (3.0%)

 Healthy weight (18.5–24.9 kg/m2)

228 (47.1%)

 Overweight (25.0–29.9 kg/m2)

111 (22.9%)

 Obese (≥ 30.0 kg/m2)

131 (27.0%)

First pregnancy

187 (34.9%)

Caesarean birth

159 (29.7%)


10 (1.9%)

Gestational diabetes

56 (10.5%)

Pregnancy risk level (N = 533)

 Low risk

369 (69.2%)

 High risk

164 (30.8%)

Smoked tobacco during pregnancy

40 (7.5%)

Alcohol consumption during pregnancy a

 No risk of harm (score = 0)

477 (89.0%)

 Low risk of harm (score = 1–2)

58 (10.8%)

 Medium risk of harm (score = 3–4)

1 (0.2%)

 High risk of harm (score = 5 +)

0 (0%)

Smoked tobacco at time of survey

34 (6.3%)

Alcohol consumption at time of survey a

 No risk of harm (score = 0)

228 (42.5%)

 Low risk of harm (score = 1–2)

206 (38.4%)

 Medium risk of harm (score = 3–4)

82 (15.3%)

 High risk of harm (score = 5 +)

20 (3.3%)

  1. aMeasured using AUDIT-C