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Table 1. Sociodemographic characteristics of children with unilateral cleft lip and palate who participated in the study (n = 28)

From: Maternal perception of breastfeeding in children with unilateral cleft lip and palate: A qualitative interpretative analysis


n (%)

Median (Interquartile range)

Sex of the child





8 (28%)


Age of the child (months)




 One month

6 (21%)


 Two months

8 (29%)


 Three months

4 (14%)


Place of residence (n = 22)





4 (14%)


Parents’ age (years)



32 (21–44)



33 (20–51)

Mother education (n = 25)


7 (25%)


 Completed primary school

1 (3%)


 Completed secondary school

1 (3%)



9 (32%)


 Completed university



Father education (n = 24)


7 (25%)


 Completed primary school

3 (11%)


 Completed secondary school

10 (36%)



3 (11%)


 Completed university

1 (3%)


Father occupation (n = 27)


11 (39%)


 Self employed

1 (4%)



5 (18%)



10 (35%)


Place occupied by the child in the family (birth number) (n = 25)


10 (36%)



5 (18%)



10 (36%)


Skin to skin contact the first hour (n = 18)


13 (46%)



5 (18%)


With the previous question, if the answer was yes, the mother can breastfeeding the baby during the first hour of life.


5 (38%)



8 (62%)