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Table 2 Descriptive statistics of breastfeeding practices, knowledge, and beliefs (n = 742)

From: Postnatal mental health, breastfeeding beliefs, and breastfeeding practices in rural China


N (%) or Mean (SD)

Panel A. Postnatal mental health

 Symptoms of depression in previous week, N (%)

96 (13.0%)

 Symptoms of anxiety in previous week, N (%)

119 (16.0%)

 Symptoms of stress in previous week, N (%)

67 (9.0%)

Panel B. Breastfeeding practice

 Exclusive breastfeeding in previous 24 h, N (%)

282 (38.0%)

 Any breastfeeding in previous 24 h, N (%)

460 (62.0%)

Panel C. Breastfeeding beliefs

 Breastfeeding attitude score (range: 18–90), mean (SD)

61.3 (4.5)

 Breastfeeding self-efficacy score (range: 16–80), mean (SD)

56.1 (8.8)