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Table 1 Antiretroviral Drug Use and infant feeding in the context of maternal HIV infection

From: Maternal and health care workers’ perspectives on exclusive breastfeeding in the context of maternal HIV infection, in Busia county, western Kenya: a mixed methods cross-sectional survey


Mother receives

Infant receives


Treatment for CD4 count < / = 200 cells/mm3

Treatment for CD4 count > 200 cells/mm3


Lifelong ART


ARV prophylaxis starting at 28 weeks of pregnancy

AZT twice daily, single dose NVP at onset of labor, AZT + 3TC during delivery and 1 week postpartum

Prophylactic ARVs for 1 week



Treatment for CD4 count < / = 350 cells/mm3

Prophylaxis for CD4 count > 350 cells/mm3



Triple ARVs starting as soon as diagnosed and continued for life

Antepartum: AZT from 14 weeks,

intra-partum at onset of labor sd NVP and first dose AZT/3TC

Post-partum: daily AZT/3TC through 7 days post-partum

Daily NVP from birth through 1 week beyond complete cessation of BF (if not BF or mother on treatment through ages 4–6 weeks)

Same initial ARVs for both



Triple ARVs starting as soon as diagnosed & continued for life

Triple ARVs from 14 weeks continued intra-partum and through child birth if not breastfeeding (until 1 week after cessation of BF)

Daily NVP or AZT through 4–6 weeks regardless of feeding method

Same for treatment and prophylaxis


B + 

Triple ARVs regardless of CD4 count starting as soon as diagnosed and continued for life

Daily NVP or AZT through 4–6/52 regardless of feeding method

  1. AZT zidovudine, 3TC lamivudine, NVP nevirapine, sdNVP single dose nevirapine, BF breastfeeding