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Table 1 Interview

From: Breastfeeding experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain:a qualitative study

Interview script


Sample questions

Sociodemographic data

What’s your name?

How old are you?

What’s your nationality? In which province do you live?

What’s your marital status? Do you have a partner?

What’s your schooling level?

What’s your profession?

Do you work? Are you a freelancer or an employee?

Gynaecological-obstetric data

How many pregnancies have you had? Have they been normal o caesarean deliveries? How many children do you have?

Do you have any previous breastfeeding experience? How long have you been breastfeeding? What was the reason for abandonment?

When was your last delivery?

What type of delivery was it? How do you remember your experience?

Did you, your companion or the NB undergo any diagnostic test for COVID-19 when entering or staying in the hospital?

Was there mother-NB separation during hospitalization due to the protocols implemented as a consequence of COVID-19? How would you describe this situation?

Perinatal data

What’s the gender of your newborn?

Please indicate his/her weight and height.

Was admittance to Neonatology necessary?


How did you decide to feed your son/daughter?

What type of breastfeeding were you offering at hospital discharge? Did you have any difficulty during this period?

What type of breastfeeding are you offering now? In case of breastfeeding abandonment, what was the reason?

COVID-19 and Breastfeeding

What information did you have about this topic? What did they tell you? Where did you get the information? Did the information condition your intention to breastfeed?

What different measures did you adopt for breastfeeding and to avoid contagion in your baby? Did you feel insecurity or fear infecting your baby?

Impact of the pandemic

Who did you live with during the confinement period?

Do you consider that the pandemic or confinement situation affected your breastfeeding plans? How? What was your initial idea? What happened?

Did you find difficulties having a successful breastfeeding during the pandemic/confinement? Mention them.

How have you felt during this period?

Breastfeeding support

Which do you consider were your support options during this period to be successful with your breastfeeding?

In case of previous attendance to breastfeeding support groups, how did they organize during this period? How did they contact them?

Did you find practicalities from the health services?

Breastfeeding experience

How would you describe your experience with breastfeeding?

  1. Source: Elaborated by the authors