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Table 1 Interview script

From: Breastfeeding experiences of Latina migrants living in Spain: a qualitative descriptive study


Sample questions

Sociodemographic factors

What is your name?

How old are you?

What is your educational level?

What is your country of birth?

When did you arrive to Spain?

Why did you migrate?

What was the documentation status situation when the baby was born?

Did you have maternity leave?

Do you feel comfortable in Spain?

Obstetric data and knowledge

How many children do you have?

How long did breastfeeding last in each one?

How was your labour experience/s?

Did you go to antenatal classes?

In your opinion, what are breastfeeding advantages?

Did you feel that you received the information you needed?

Did you have difficulties for healthcare professionals to resolve your doubts?

In your opinion, what are the barriers that have not helped you/other women to maintain breastfeeding for longer?

Supports and feelings

What family do you have here?

Who has been your main support?

Do you think that breastfeeding in your home country would have been different?

What predominates in your home country: breast milk or formula?

What role have healthcare professionals played in your breastfeeding experience?

What do breastfeeding support groups bring you?

Do you practice religion here?

How did you feel/are you feeling about your breastfeeding experience?

Is there anything else you would like to say?

  1. Note. Source: Self-made