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Table 2 Pregnancy and previous breastfeeding experience of mothers

From: A cross-sectional comparison of breastfeeding knowledge, attitudes, and perceived partners’ support among expectant couples in Mekelle, Ethiopia


Frequency (%)

Months of pregnancy during first ANC visit

 1st to 3rd months

57 (44.5)

 4th to 6th month

71 (55.5)

Place ANC received

 Health center

114 (89.1)


14 (10.9)

ANC service provider for the current pregnancy


8 (6.3)


80 (62.5)


65 (50.8)

 Health officer

20 (15.6)

 Health extension worker

7 (5.5)

Number of ANC visits for the current pregnancy


73 (57)

 4 and above

55 (43)

Have you received breastfeeding information at ANC


90 (70.3)


38 (29.7)

Do you have previous breastfeeding experience


70 (54)


58 (46)

How long did you breastfeed your last child

 < 2 yrs

17 (24.6)

 > = 2 yrs

52 (75.4)

Do you have maternity leave (employed mothers)


25 (92.6)


2 (7.4)

How much maternity leave (employed mothers)

 1 Month

1 (3.8)

 3 Months

6 (26.9)

 4 Months

18 (69.3)

How do you intend to breastfeed your baby


125 (97.7)

 Breastmilk + infant formula

3 (2.3)

How long should a baby be exclusively breastfed

 6 months

101 (79.9)


27 (20.1)

Up to what age should a baby breastfeed

 Before 2 yrs

5 (3.9)

 2 yrs. and above

123 (96.1)