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Table 1 Outcome variables as defined based on questionnaires

From: Duration of breastfeeding, age at introduction of complementary foods and allergy-related diseases: a prospective cohort study

Allergy-related condition

Time point(s)

Questions used to define cases

Asthma (ever)

2 years

“Has the child ever been diagnosed with asthma by a doctor”

Asthma (current)

6 years

As asthma (ever) AND “Has the child been treated with tablets, inhalation medications or other treatments for wheezing, tightness in the chest or asthma during the last 12 months?

Wheeze (ever)

2 years

“Has the child ever had whistling in the chest?” AND “Has the child ever had episodes of wheezing or tightness in the chest?

Wheeze (current)

6 years

As for wheeze (ever) AND “Has the child had whistling, rattling or tightness in the chest in the past 12 months?

ARC (ever)

2 & 6 years

“Has the child ever had hay fever, sneezing or itchy-watery eyes?

Eczema (ever)

2 & 6 years

“Has the child ever had eczema?” AND “Has the child ever had an itchy rash which came and went over at least six months?

Eczema (current)

6 years

As for eczema (ever) AND “Has the child during the last 12 months used medications, balms, creams, tablets or herbal medicines for eczema?