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Table 1 Demographic characteristics of women living in Australia, Ireland and Sweden

From: Helpful and challenging aspects of breastfeeding in public for women living in Australia, Ireland and Sweden: a cross-sectional study

Demographic Characteristics

Women living in Australia

Women living in Ireland

Women living in Sweden

Maternal age (N = 10,885 Australia, N = 1831 Ireland, N = 1520 Sweden)

32.3 mean

34.9 mean

32.8 mean

(N = 10,885 Australia,

32 median

35 median

32 median

N = 1831 Ireland,

33 mode

35 mode

32 mode

N = 1520 Sweden)

Range 17 to 53 (SD 4.79)

Range 18 to 49 (SD 4.109)

Range 18 to 57 (SD 4.92)

Highest education level (N = 10,910 Australia, N = 1820 Ireland, N = 1520 Sweden)

 University / college postgraduate degree

2997 (27.5%)

943 (51.8%)

835 (55.0%)

 University / college undergraduate degree

4707 (43.1%)

681 (37.4%)

417 (27.4%)

 High / secondary school completed

2623 (24.0%)

183 (10.1%)

252 (16.6%)

 High / secondary school not completed

583 (5.3%)

13 (0.7%)

16 (1%)

Number of children (N = 10,910 Australia, N = 1800 Ireland, N = 1409 Sweden)

 1 child

4990 (45.7%)

761 (41.9%)

677 (48.0%)

 2 children

4097 (37.6%)

664 (36.6%)

537 (38.0%)

 3 children

1341 (12.3%)

226 (15.0%)

150 (11%)

 4 or more children

482 (4.4%)

109 (6.4%)

45 (3%)

Number children ever breastfed (N = 10,910 Australia, N = 1835 Ireland, N = 1410 Sweden)

 1 child

5225 (47.9%)

828 (45.1%)

707 (50.2%)

 2 children

4024 (36.9%)

671 (36.6%)

523 (37.1%)

 3 children

1245 (11.4%)

249 (13.6%)

138 (9.8)

 4 or more children

416 (3.8%)

86 (4.7%)

41 (2.9%)

Still breastfeeding youngest child (N = 10,910 Australia, N = 1837 Ireland, N = 1443 Sweden)

7607 (69.7%)

1288 (70.1%)

950 (62.5%)