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Table 2 Selected anthropometric and hematological characteristics of children and mothers

From: Maternal nutritional status and child feeding practices: a retrospective study in Santal communities, Birbhum District, West Bengal, India

Children data

n (%) or Mean ± SD/Median, Min/Max

Sex ratio, (n = 307)

0.872 (872 girls/ 1000 boys)

Age at baseline checkup NN*** mean ± SD/median, Min/Max (months), (n = 307)

22.5 ± 9.5/23.0, 6/39

Age group, n (%)

6 - < 12

54 (17.6)

≥ 12 - < 24

109 (35.5)

≥ 24 - < 36

124 (40.4)

≥ 36 - < 40

20 (6.5)

WHZ, mean ± SD, Min/Max (n = 306)

-1.19 ± 0.93, −3.84/2.51

BAZ, mean ± SD, Min/Max (n = 306)

-0.96 ± 0.96, −3.75/2.87

HAZ, mean ± SD, Min/Max (n = 306)

−2.03 ± 1.11, −5.75/2.00

WAZ, mean ± SD, Min/Max (n = 307)

−1.95 ± 0.98, −4.36/1.44

MUAC z-scoreNN*, mean ± SD/median, Min/Max (n = 307)

−1.09 ± 0.88/− 1.02, − 3.52/1.69

MUACNN**, mean ± SD/median, Min/Max (cm) (n = 307)

13.8 ± 1.0/13.8, 11/16.8

Hb, mean ± SD, Min/Max (g/dl), (n = 307)

9.1 ± 1.3, 5.0/12.7

Maternal data

Maternal age at time of interviewNN*** mean ± SD/median (years), Min/Max (n = 287)

24.5 ± 3.9/24.0, 18/40

Height (cm), mean ± SD, Min/Max (n = 288)

149.5 ± 5.5, 136.4/165.6

Weight (kg)NN*, mean ± SD/median, Min/Max (n = 283)

41.5 ± 4.9/41.1, 31.5/60.0

BMI (m2/kg)NN***, mean ± SD/median, Min/Max (n = 283)

18.6 ± 1.8/18.5, 14.8/27.4

BMI (m2/kg), n (%)

Overweight (BMI ≥ 25)

2 (0.7)

Normal weight (18.5 ≤ BMI < 25)

141 (49.8)

Mild underweight (17 ≤ BMI < 18.5)

96 (33.9)

Moderate underweight (16 ≤ BMI < 17)

30 (10.6)

Severe underweight (BMI < 16)

14 (4.9)

MUAC (cm), mean ± SD, Min/Max (n = 283)

22.5 ± 1.8, 18.0/29.6

MUAC (cm), n (%)

Adequate (23 ≤ MUAC < 32)

114 (40.3)

Moderately malnourished (21 ≤ MUAC < 23)

119 (42.0)

Severely malnourished (18.5 ≤ MUAC < 21)

49 (17.3)

Very severely malnourished (MUAC < 18.5)

1 (0.4)

Hb (g/dl)NN**, mean ± SD/median, Min/Max (n = 283)

10.4 ± 1.4/10.5, 6.5/14.1

Hb (g/dl), n (%)

no anemia (Hb ≥ 12.0)

39 (13.8)

mild anemia (11.0 ≤ Hb < 12.0)

74 (26.1)

moderate anemia (8.0 ≤ Hb < 11.0)

153 (54.1)

severe anemia (Hb < 8.0)

17 (6.0)

  1. NN not normally distributed tested by Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test, the hypothesis regarding the distributional form is rejected with *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001
  2. Note: n = 5 pregnant (excluded for analysis of BMI, Hb, MUAC), n = 10 mothers have two children participating in the study