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Table 2 Time-points and description of breastfeeding counselling among control and intervention groups

From: Effectiveness of a new approach for exclusive breastfeeding counselling on breastfeeding prevalence, infant growth velocity and postpartum weight loss in overweight or obese women: protocol for a randomized controlled trial


Intervention group

Control group

Issues to follow


Standard care


Last month of gestation

1. Dialogue with the women to determine risk of possible breastfeeding problems:

- Fears and expectations

- Breast examination

- Breastfeeding problems

- Intention to breastfeed

2. Maternal empowerment

- Knowledge of familiar and social environment

- Motivation

- Early contact (skin to skin contact)

- Commitment

3. Agreed solutions

- Individuality respect

- Realistic and assertive solutions


Information on the benefits of breastfeeding and breastfeeding positions through a one-hour group talk as part of the institution’s course on preparation for motherhood.

Nursing Department

24 h postpartum

1. Dialogue with the women to evaluate problems and difficulties identified at gestation:

- Fears and expectations

- Early breastfeeding

- Skin to skin contact

- Adequate latching and suckling

- Human milk volume

2. Maternal empowerment

- Breastfeeding crisis: fatigue, fears and worries.

- Motivation

3. Agreed solutions

- Respect for individuality

- Realistic and assertive solutions.


Institutional policy to allow rooming in, skin to skin contact.

Risks of early weaning.

Nutritional recommendations about breastfeeding importance at hospital discharge.

Institutional health care professionals

1 month postpartum

1. Dialogue with the women to follow up the agreed solutions and identify new difficulties with breastfeeding

- Maternal perception of milk volume produced

- Maternal perception of infant appetite

2. Maternal empowerment

- Fears and expectations: low breast milk volume

- Motivation and solutions follow up

- Self-esteem

3. Agreed solutions

- Individuality respect

- Solutions follow up and measure of breastfeeding achievements


Six visits during the first 12 months to follow up infant growth and development. It includes education in breastfeeding in group meetings. Breastfeeding counselling on demand or by referral.

Institutional health care professionals: Nurse Department

3 months postpartum

1. Dialogue with the women to follow up agreed solutions and identify new breastfeeding difficulties:

- Back to work, study and other activities.

- Early initiation of complementary food

2. Maternal empowerment

- Fears and expectations

- Motivation and follow up of solutions

- Self-esteem

3. Agreed solutions

- Individuality respect

- Solutions follow up and measure of breastfeeding achievements


Six visits during the first 12mo to follow up infant growth and development. Lack of adherence to the program.

Institutional health care professionals, Prevention and promotion programs at the institution.