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Table 1 Coding for level of understanding of the project and the role of the peer counsellor

From: Characteristics and experiences of peer counsellors in urban Dhaka: a structured interview study

Comprehension score

Keywords required for Q1 Understanding of what the project is about

Keywords required for Q2 Understanding the role of the peer counsellors in the project

Limited understanding

Does not appropriately answer the question

Does not appropriately answer the question

Some understanding

Mentions Mirpur peer counselling project OR ward/cluster number

Mentions “peer counselling” or “Mirpur project”

Moderate understanding

Mentions one term in relation to breastfeeding promotion/infant feeding/colostrum/complementary feeding/child nutrition

Some understanding PLUS

Mentions breastfeeding /infant feeding/child nutrition

High level of understanding

Moderate understanding PLUS

Mentions information about correct dates when women start the counselling and when they complete it

Moderate understanding PLUS mentions problem solving OR being friendly and supportive to mothers OR motivation OR talking about helping women with position or attachment