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Table 1 Characteristics of study sample (n = 396)

From: Delayed initiation of breastfeeding in Bukavu, South Kivu, eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo: a cross-sectional study

Variables (n = 396)


n (%)



n (%)




Maternity ward

211 (53.3)


185 (46.7)


396 (100)


Mother’s age [median (range)]


25 (17 – 46)


28 (17 – 43)

27 (17 – 46)

  < 18

7 (3.3)


5 (2.7)


12 (3.0)


 18 – 35

178 (84.4)


154 (83.2)


332 (83.8)

  ≥ 35

26 (12.3)


26 (14.1)


52 (13.2)

Inter pregnancy interval


26 (12 – 97)


27 (11 – 108)


26 (11 – 108)

  < 24 months

50 (29.9)


50 (36.2)


100 (32.8)


  ≥ 24 months

117 (70.1)


88 (63.8)


205 (67.2)

Marital status


160 (75.8)


103 (55.7)


263 (66.4)



51 (24.2)


82 (44.3)


133 (33.6)

Mother’s schooling status


99 (46.9)


12 (6.5)


111 (28.0)


 Primary school

69 (32.8)


32 (17.3)


101 (25.5)

 Secondary school

37 (17.5)


90 (48.6)


127 (32.0)

 University studies

2 (0.9)


46 (24.9)


48 (12.1)

 Technical school

4 (1.9)


5 (2.7)


9 (2.4)

Socioeconomic status


204 (96.7)


51 (27.6)


255 (64.4)



4 (1.9)


71 (38.4)


75 (18.9)


3 (1.4)


63 (34.1)


66 (16.7)

Parity (Mean ± SD)


4 ± 3


3 ± 2


4 ± 2


40 (19.0)


49 (26.5)


89 (22.5)



171 (81.0)


136 (73.5)


307 (77.5)

Number of PCV (Mean ± SD)


3 ± 1


3 ± 1


3 ± 1

  < 3

78 (37.0)


48 (25.9)


126 (31.8)


  ≥ 3

133 (63.0)


137 (74.1)


270 (68.2)

HIV Serology


9 (4.3)


2 (1.0)


11 (2.8)



168 (79.6)


183 (99.0)


351 (88.6)


34 (16.1)




34 (9.2)

Mode of delivery

 Vaginal delivery

146 (69.2)


157 (84.9)


303 (76.5)


 Cesarean delivery

65 (30.8)


28 (15.1)


93 (23.5)

Birth weight [median (range)] (kg)


3.1 (1.8 – 4.8)


3.2 (1.9 – 5.2)


3.2 (1.2 – 5.2)

  < 2.5

20 (9.5)


15 (8.1)


35 (8.8)


 2.5 – 4.0

183 (16.7)


160 (86.5)


343 (86.6)

  ≥ 4.0

8 (3.8)


10 (5.4)


18 (4.6)

Gestational age

 At term

199 (94.8)


171 (92.4)


370 (93.4)



11 (5.2)


15 (7.6)


26 (6.6)



97 (46.0)


95 (51.4)


192 (48.5)



114 (54.0)


90 (48.6)


204 (51.5)

  1. PCV prenatal care visits, SD standard deviation, HIV human immunodepression virus