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Table 3 Breastfeeding practises among Saharawi children (n = 111)a

From: Infant feeding practices in the Saharawi refugee camps Algeria, a cross-sectional study among children from birth to six months of age

Breastfeeding practices

Initiation of breastfeeding

 Within 1 h of birth

64.9 [72]

 Within the first 6 h

14.4 [16]

 Within the first day

6.3 [7]

 Within the second day

5.4 (6)

 Within the third day

4.5 [5]

 More than 3 days

4.5 [5]

Prelacteal feeds

23.4 [26]

 Sugar water

22.5 [25]

 Oil water

12.6 [14]

 Infant formula

0.9 [1]

 Saline solution

0.9 [1]

Breastfeeding frequency day

 1–5 times

28.8 [32]

 6–10 times

11.7 [13]

 11–15 times

1.8 [2]

 >15 times

57.7 [64]

Breastfeeding frequency night

 No times

0.9 [1]

 1–5 times

57.7 [64]

 6–10 times

7.2 [8]

 11–15 times

0.9 [1]

 >15 times

33.3 [37]

 Breastfeeding on demand

86.5 [96]

 Exclusively breastfed

11.7 [13]

 <3 months

16.0 [8]

 >3 months

8.5 [5]

 Predominantly breastfed

21.6 [24]

 Breast milk and water only

70.3 [78]

 Breast milk and other milk/formula only

42.3 [48]

 Given liquids

81.1 [90]

 Given complementary foodsb

43.2 [48]

  1. aValues are presented as mean ± SD, median (IQR), and % [n]. b Includes solid, semi solid and soft foods, but no liquids