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Table 4 Key prompts – individual, semi-structured interviews

From: The bumpy road to implementing the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative in Austria: a qualitative study

Personal information

Please describe your position and field of action/responsibilities in this hospital.

What is your role in relation to the implementation of the BFHI?

Selection of BFHI

Why do you think BFHI was selected?

Who was involved and how was it decided to become Baby-Friendly?

Installation of BFHI

Once the decision to become Baby-Friendly has been made, what are the next steps to prepare BFHI operation?

Facilitators of and barriers to BFHI operation

Please describe the operation of the BFHI.

What are the challenges that your hospital experienced in becoming Baby-Friendly?

What are your general views and opinions about the BFHI?

How were barriers overcome?