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Table 2 Relevant terms and definitions

From: Effects of mother-infant skin-to-skin contact on severe latch-on problems in older infants: a randomized trial



Exclusive breastfeeding

The infant receives nothing but milk from the breast, vitamin D and essential medication

Hands-on latch intervention

Hospital staff, another person or relative uses their own hands to try to attach the infant to the breast with a grip around the infant’s neck and a grip around the mother’s breast/nipple sometimes using more or less force


The infant is sustained attached to the breast with a wide open mouth over the nipple and the areola or parts of the areola and tongue in close contact with the lower part of the areola

Latching regularly

The mother perceives that the infant wants to breastfeed; the infant responds by latching-on the breast when it is offered

Nipple shield

Small plastic or rubber device shaped like the nipple that is placed over the nipple before latching

No separation

Mother and infant have skin-to-skin contact directly after birth and stay together during the first hour

Partial breastfeeding

Breastfeeding occurs regularly but the infant is also given supplementation or has started to eat solid food


The infant is sucking the breast with rhythmic movements with pauses in between