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Table 2 Predictors of not fully breastfeeding in the first postpartum week (n = 187).

From: Women's breastfeeding experiences following a significant primary postpartum haemorrhage: A multicentre cohort study


Partial or no breastfeeding (compared with full breastfeeding)


Unadjusted OR

Adjusted OR*

Adjusted OR**


(95% CI)

(95% CI)

(95% CI)

Estimated blood loss


   < 2000 mL

1 (referent group)

1 (referent group)

1 (referent group)

   2000-2999 mL

1.91 (0.96, 3.78)

2.05 (0.99, 4.22)

1.76 (0.87, 3.58)

   ≥ 3000 mL

2.51 (0.96, 6.60)

2.46 (0.90, 6.72)

2.03 (0.74, 5.65)

Method of birth



1 (referent group)


   Assisted vaginal

5.45 (2.19, 13.59)


   Caesarean section

2.32 (1.16, 4.64)


Time to first suckle


   ≤ 1 hour

1 (referent group)


   ≤ 2 hours

1.2 (0.48, 2.97)


   ≤ 5 hours

1.93 (0.79, 4.70)


   > 5 hours

3.73 (1.66, 8.40)

  1. * Adjusted for method of birth
  2. ** Adjusted for time to first opportunity to suckle