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Table 1 Index of Breastfeeding Attitudes (IBA)*

From: Breastfeeding in the workplace: Other employees' attitudes towards services for lactating mothers

1. Formula fed babies are as healthy as babies who receive human milk.

2. Allowing women to breastfeed in the workplace will interfere with productivity.

3. Allowing women to breastfeed in the workplace will decrease the turnover rate.

4. Allowing women to breastfeed in the workplace will decrease absenteeism.

5. Allowing women to breastfeed in the workplace will improve morale of other employees.

6. Allowing women to breastfeed in the workplace will have a negative effect on the public image of the business.

7. Allowing women to breastfeed in the workplace will positively affect recruitment ability.

8. If a co-worker wanted to breastfeed her infant or express milk in the workplace, I would support it.

9. It is my responsibility to support mothers who combine breastfeeding with employment.

  1. * Items 1, 2 and 6 scored in reverse.