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Table 1 Sub-samples of the 184 breastfeeding women used for each table and figure of the paper. All 184 women were telephoned for the original interviews every 3 weeks up to week 12, and were mailed a questionnaire at month 6. The 184 selected for the 1–3.5 year call-back included 66 with previously reported mastitis, 44 with an error in their original computerized questionnaire skip pattern, and 74 selected randomly.

From: Recall of age of weaning and other breastfeeding variables


Total sample

(n = 184)

Sub-samples of total

(n = 184) sample


Weaned ≤ 3 months

(n = 124)

With 6 month follow-up

(n = 118)

Weaned ≤ 3 months and

had 6 month follow-up (n = 95)

Table 2: Reasons for breastfeeding cessation




Table 3: Breast pain, nipple cracks or sores, and mastitis



Figure 1: Life table estimates of the probability of still breastfeeding by age of infant




Figure 2: Recalled length of breastfeeding plotted against initially measured length of breastfeeding for 6-month recall



Figure 3: Recalled length of breastfeeding plotted against initially measured length of breastfeeding for 1–3.5 year recall



  1. aSome exclusions apply, as described in Table 3 footnotes.